lauantai 30. huhtikuuta 2016

What's beautiful?

Does it need to be something big and exciting?

Can something normal and boring be beautiful for you?

Is it beautiful if everyone else think it's not?

Is it beautiful, if it doesn't really look beautiful, but it makes you happy?

Why it's so difficult to find and enjoy?

I think they are beautiful. 

tiistai 19. huhtikuuta 2016

The day I met my dad and two sisters in New York City

This feeling is just so weird. I'm lying in a bed in a hotel room next to my sister. I just can't believe that they are here and we are in New York City. 

When I saw them from the bus, I was so excited and happy that I started to cry. :D

Now it's 1 am. and everyone else is sleeping but I'm not tired at all. I know that I should sleep but I just can't fall asleep. 

It is funny to speak Finnish. I'm still thinking pretty much in English and I need more time to answer in Finnish than English. It's just so weird. Especially translating  from English to Finnish is super hard. I can't find any Finnish word!

I can't believe this.